
FROM BERLIN TO NEW YORK: Karl Nierendorf and the Guggenheim

This permanent collection installation features both acquisitions from Karl Nierendorf’s galleries in Berlin and New York and from the gallerist’s estate. Formerly a banker, German-born Karl Nierendorf (1889–1947) began his career in the art trade in 1920 in Cologne. In 1936 Nierendorf immigrated to the U.S. and established the Nierendorf Gallery in New York, where he encountered Hilla Rebay (1890–1967) and the newly established Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. Nierendorf promoted artists represented in the Guggenheim collection, including Lyonel Feininger, Perle Fine, and Franz Marc, which led the Foundation to purchase a number of important works for its collection from Nierendorf Gallery. Thru May 4, 2008 at Guggenheim Museum NYC www.guggenheim.org